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New Year, New Energy, New inspiration! Happy 2019!!!

Cozy Winter Comforts @ 133: 

New to the shop January 31st! 

Mary’s “Bear Tracks”. This is a a companion to Bear’s In the Woods quilt from winter 2017.  It measures 58″ x 67″.  The kit is available for $$93.00.  Patterns are sold separately. 

Bears in the Woods Quilt

for $9.00.  I love this because it really fits the neutral look we like to support in the winter decor.  Looks and feels like our snowing scape in spring Green. 

133 Hidden Stars Quilt

We start our month long Celebrate the Heart of Quilting Shop Hop February 1st and it goes until the end of the month.  Each of our 11 stores participating have created a quilt kit that celebrates the life of our fearless leader Lynn.  This is our quilt it is called 133 Hidden Stars in beautiful hues of blues and cream.  A perfect project to delve into over the bleak winter months. it is 63’x 74″ and kitted sells for $111.50. 

Speaking of comforts there are so many we can’t help but feeling energized with all the new designs for handwork, the dreamy fabrics that are arriving and inspiring us to do more amazing quilts and home decor accessories that keeps us loving what we do.  But for me and the shop girls the fresh cleaned up winter palette in the shop is just what we need after the long and busy holiday season to imagine, dream and believe and begin to soar in our efforts as we begin a whole new year..   The modern Farmhouse Style is strong as ever again this year.  This particular style embraces the old and the new and can but does not have to stand on its own, it works into most descors.  The fact that I have always loved to revive the past in the the shop and strive to recreate the worn and loved feel of aged quilts keeps us all energized and excited.  

FYI:  We will have some very exciting clubs as we get into the new year so be sure to keep in touch and I will keep you posted on our and through my newsletter.

You have also probably noticed that tin is being used more and more and more with reclaimed wood, and the use of various white, cream and gray tones that create the neutral backdrops that give you the fresh decor you desire.  We have the most amazing architectural lighting that easily can become a focal that you will enjoy living with as well. 

On the Fence

It is going to be a very good year to feather and freshen your nests and what better time to get things started than during these long winter months

We have a new stitchery it is called “Imagine * Dream * Believe*.  It is stitched to look like it is on old towelling.  Brilliant!  Kits are $36.50.  This is the same designer as our infamous best ever Horse Country pattern. 

Stacy’s  new “Primrose” just came in from our stitcher and she is irresistible for sure, so swell.  Kits are $39.50  We also have re-kitted Maggie’s “Heart String” pattern in old red tickings, prints and homespun stripes and checks, wools, velvet and linen.  It is a winner peeps.  Kitted with pattern for $29.50.


Worn and Loved

We have many quilts and toppers with a soft neutral palette that fit into this picture and lots of handwork and decor to support it.  You can see in the pictures some of our favorites.  The little antique nine patch called Worn and Loved, the Little Irish Chain by Paula Barnes, my Antique Star, On the Fence with applique, to mention a few and are all fun to put together and favorite choices. 

We will be introducing several new quilts of all sizes for February and we even are getting several new club pieces together so get ready to get giddy.  We will also be showing my newest fabric quilt collection at our Spring Open House.  It will be full of amazing surprises and we can hardly wait for your approval.  It’s busy as always at 133.


Little Irish Chain by Paula Barnes and Winter Cometh

Our stitchers are all busy with new handwork and samplers and the fact we have amazing overdyed linens and threads makes it even more exciting to start a new year again.   

Signed Sealed Delivered Quilt

FYI:  I am ready to announce the newest Needlework club for 2019 it will be known as An Exploration and Lesson in 17th and 18th Century “ABC Schoolgirl Needlework”.  Peeps I am pinching myself because i know you are all going to be so excited over this years projects.  Our design team consists of some of our top knowledgeable antique sampler designers in the needlework industry.  I hope you will help us welcome and embrace this amazing team: Shakespeare’s peddler, Needlework Press, Samplers Notforgotten and Samplers Remembered.  Please take some time to explore the Girl Club tab for more information.

February has arrived and we are  ready for our Go Red Month of quilts.  The brilliant thing is that this year our shop hop quilts can be made up of the colors of our choice.  There will still be red but just not everything red.  I feel this is a good move our quilters will embrace.

Maggies ‘s maggie’s Heart Chatelaine

Maggie Bonanomi Heartstrings pattern

 Mary has designed the sweet “Signed, Sealed Delivered” Quilt that is shown hanging on our cupboard door.  Maggie Bonanomi has two great heart choices her heartstrings pattern which we are reinventing in wonderful old textured wools, red cotton prints and homespuns, velvet, and linens and that is not to say her great army green, tans, and blues she used in the original pattern are not still popular.  They are, and you won’t go wrong with any combination you decide to put together.  The patterns are sold on line for $9.00 and kits are also available.   

As I was going through our patterns a great Stacy nash jumped out at me.  It is called “From Me to Thee”.  This a sweet little needlebook and should not be forgotten so we have kitted it again.  Winter whites, and hearts and blue is trending in a big way this season.  Green is also coming back.  Lots to dream and imagine at  133 in 2019.

Stacy Nash’s “Me to Thee”

   Quilters we have some adorable little red and cream packs to build your fabric stash and we have a bit of a treasure hunt going on in conjunction with our Celebrate The Heart of Quilting month  It’s going to be fun to collect the clues at all the 11 shops and possible win a red and white fat quarter pack worth $75.00.

Button Box Quilts by Vickie Hodge


Just another thought, if you have seen and became familiar with the article on Vickie Hodge you might have read about her new book called button Box Quilts, She is known for making two sided quilts, they can be reversed and store better.  It is a book to think about we have sold out of it and got it back in again.  Cost $49.95. 

Maggie’s Heartstring kit for Valentine’s day

The last little quilt today is “Forever Yours”  which was designed by Mary.  It is reproduction of one of my old quilts and has turned out looking old and loved.  The old greeny brown print reminds us of an old brown  paper valentine.  It is 63′ x 63″, the kit is available for$81.00.  pattern sold separately for $9.00.  You can see out new kit for Valentine heartstrings is ready to ship.  We are loving it.