Selling the Ideas of our Girl Clubs:
We know at Country Sampler handwork can not only be healing and inspiring but a way to stay connected to friends that have the same interests as you have. We would like to invite you to join us for a year and get acquainted with our favorite designers.

Our design team is committed to sharing their love of handwork and great design by reproducing an antique favorite or giving you a modern twist that is sure to be an heirloom that inspires your imagination and turns into a project that makes you the “Maker” happy.
“Eliza Taylor” by Needlework Press was your last project for the 2024-2025 year and the new project coming this month is from Kathleen Littleton’s Cross Stitch Antiques collection. Meet your “SS Harris Sampler”. We couldn’t be more thrilled by her choice. We anticipate it will be ready to start shipping before the end of February. We hope this will help you decide to join us we are still able to give you Eliza and Julia.
FYI: For anyone joining one of our clubs it is your responsibility to call us with updated credit cards or a new address. You are in the club until you say you do not wish to continue. We ask you to honor your commitment for a year. Thank you for being mindful. Our number is 608-588-2510 or email
2024 -2025 Threads of History
A Schoolgirl Sampler Club
Our design team this year “2025” are as follows: Kathleen Littleton from Cross Stitch Antiques, Theresa Vennett from Shakespeare’s Peddler is next, Vickie Jennett from Needlework Press is scheduled for this fall and Tanya Brockmeyer The Scarlet House will be scheduled to end our 2025 year of wonderful sampler projects.
Welcome to my obsession and passion. A great old sampler, an interesting border, an amazing house, motifs that speak to you, trees, bands of alphabet are all factors in my mind that make a great sampler. For the most part our sampler selections are dated around the 1800’s and are from our designer’s private collections.
We can help you choose your favorite comfort zone count of linen. We offer these choices, 18 count Aida, 32, 36, 40 and 46 count linen. We use many suppliers for our linens and overdyed threads that are typically pleasing and remind you of our recognizable style.
Honoring a Handwork Tradition:
Stacy Nash’s “New” Red House Club
Here is just a little background on the Red House Club. Did you know? Before the 1900’s white paint was considered expensive to use on a house, so the more economical idea of choice was to use the color red.
Stacy is running with this tradition with her usual flair. This is going to be a winning experience and ladies you will have an incredible collection of four Red Houses to treasure and enjoy through time. In the shop we are all fan girls of Stacy in every way, and we know if you choose to take this journey with Stacy you will not be disappointed.
Please Join my 133 In House Quilt Club
Design Team: Mary Boldt, Barbara Voss and Gwen Mertens
This is the team that keeps the fire lit under our quilters. This club is somewhat different as all the girls will contribute. It may be a table topper, Wall art, a small quilt or even a larger quilt, it could be all pieced or we might give you a taste of applique. You might find we will give you a project for the season or a holiday favorite. The girls are so inspired by our fabric choices we all thought you might like to have a taste of what makes them great team players at Country Sampler.